emma lange

artist / humorist / performer (and beauty).

a history of successful shows throughout new zealand and now she is here.

come and see emma return to the stage with a show detailing her fragrant life adventures with death and sausages.

When pioneering comedian and radio broadcaster Emma Lange was diagnosed with a chronic brain tumour in 2016, her incurable humour saved her. From the depths of that experience comes AN ALMIGHTY YES, a bittersweet show about bloody cruddy cancer that roars light on dark days and tough times.

AN ALMIGHTY YES features a roll-call of personas played by Emma, including lycra-clad dancing sausages and Pentecostal Deaconess Fanny Bribery who exorcises beelzebub in her comfy brogues, all leading to a vigorous final ascent to tiramisu heaven. It’s a cloudburst of fresh air, music and enlightenment for all people dealing with big life challenges.

Don’t miss the Queenstown Lakes District season of AN ALMIGHTY YES, comedy with pathos about a time spent with cancer schmancer, by Emma Lange Thursday 11 April The Headwaters Eco Lodge Glenorchy and April 19 + 20 at Te Atamira Queenstown BOOK NOW for a very very special event!

The Headwaters Eco Lodge Glenorchy

Te Atamira Queenstown

“Emma Lange is, without exception, the funniest person I have met. She breathes funny. She’s funny just in the way she blinks. We have all been waiting for this show for a long time — just for the sheer joy of spending an hour watching her breathe and blink.” — Michele A’Court

“We are all just choo-choo trains on the track she laid down.” — Justine Smith

“This is a show that’s not just about trying to be funny. It’s about saying something to the people in the audience, that you have to be brave.” - Dame Jools Topp

"A queen of comedy, Emma Lange is funny to her core. This show swerved its way through a crazy, wild terrain, and I loved every second of the ride." — Dame Miranda Harcourt


tickets are alive and kicking so BOOK

the Headwaters Eco Lodge Glenorchy april 11 + Te Atamira Queenstown april 19 + 20